The flyers “do you want to know more about breastfeeding?”, “storing and handling expressed milk/drinking from a bottle” and “working and breastfeeding/pumping information” in a bundle of 100 pieces each. All flyers focus on the Dutch situation and are intended for English-speaking mothers living in the Netherlands. Price includes shipping within the Netherlands.
Would you like a smaller amount of English flyers? Then choose the Mix bundle. You can put it together yourself with Dutch and English flyers.
The flyers are available digitally free of charge (click on the one you want below):
- Do you want to know more about breastfeeding
- Storing milk and drinking from a bottle
- Working and pumping
De flyers “do you want to know more about breastfeeding?”, “storing and handling expressed milk/drinking from a bottle” en “working and breastfeeding/pumping information” in een bundel met van elk 100 stuks. Alle flyers zijn toegespitst op de Nederlandse situatie en bedoeld voor Engelstalige moeders die in Nederland wonen. Prijs inclusief verzendkosten binnen Nederland.
Wilt u een kleinere hoeveelheid Engelstalige flyers? Kies dan voor de Mixbundel. Die kunt u zelf samenstellen met Nederlands- en Engelstalige flyers.
De flyers zijn kosteloos digitaal verkrijgbaar (klik hieronder op degene die u wilt):
- Do you want to know more about breastfeeding
- Storing milk and drinking from a bottle
- Working and pumping