
28 januari 2025    
19:00 - 21:00


Verloskundigenpraktijk De Bakermat
Boterstraat 4 A, Wageningen

Are you pregnant and would you like to prepare for breastfeeding? Then sign up by email for the breastfeeding course at the midwifery practice De Bakermat in Wageningen.

In one evening, you will receive information about preparation, the postpartum period, and the first weeks. This way, you’ll learn everything you need to get off to a good start.

€10 per person/couple
€17.50 including English breastfeeding fan

You can sign up by emailing to:


With the following details:
– First and last name
– Number of participants
– Date of the course
– Choice with or without the breasfeeding fan

A maximum of 10 people can participate.